Barista Prima Coffeehouse Sweetened Cappuccino Vue Pack for Keurig Vue Brewers
The Barista Prima Coffeehouse Sweetened Cappuccino Vue Pack Cafe Beverage is a medium roast sweeter take on an Italian coffee house classic. This particular Cafe Beverage variety requires 2 Vue packs...
View ArticleBarista Prima Coffeehouse Cappuccino Italian Roast Vue Pack for Keurig Vue...
The Barista Prima Coffeehouse Cappuccino Italian Roast Vue Cafe Beverage is a deep-roasted blend capped with a delectable froth. This particular blend is a 2-step Vue Pack. The first step is the...
View ArticleBarista Prima Coffeehouse Vanilla Latte Vue Pack for Keurig Vue Brewers
The Barista Prima Coffeehouse Vanilla Latte Vue Cafe Beverage is a blend of gourmet coffee with real milk, cream, and a hint of vanilla. This specially-designed Vue Pack beverage requires a 2-step...
View ArticleCafe Escapes Chai Latte Specialty Vue Pack for Keurig Vue Brewers
The Cafe Escapes Chai Latte Specialty Vue Pack is a caffeinated blend of black tea flavor and comforting spices, with a splash of the sweetness of cream. Nutritional Information: Calories: 70...
View ArticleCafe Escapes Cafe Mocha Specialty K-Cup
The Cafe Escapes Cafe Mocha Specialty coffee blend is a perfect combination of coffee and cocoa that provides drinkers with a rich and creamy experience cafe-style experience in their home. This K-Cup...
View ArticleCafe Escapes Chai Latte Specialty K-Cup
The Cafe Escapes Chai Latte Specialty blend is an intriguing blend of black tea and exotic spices, with a light splash of milk and sugar to deliver a unique, smooth taste. The Chai Latte Specialty...
View ArticleGreen Mountain Naturals Hot Apple Cider K-Cup
Green Mountain Naturals’ Hot Apple Cider is a warm beverage that has been made with real fruit to deliver the flavor of sweet, fresh orchard apples. This apple cider has a hint of brown sugar, with a...
View ArticleBarista Prima Coffeehouse Cappuccino Vue Pack
Barista Prima’s Coffeehouse Cappuccino flavored Vue Pack is a blend of bold Italian Roast coffee with dairy froth. It features a smoky flavor that is well balanced with the sweet and creamy flavor of...
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